Amazing Facilities for All

Amazing Facilities for All

© Surrrey Wildlife Trust

Nower Wood Education Centre has some amazing accessibility features so that everyone can enjoy nature - and now we have funding available for SEND groups to visit for free!

Accessible for All

We all know the far reaching benefits of getting out into nature, so when we built the new Education Centre at Nower Wood in 2017, we wanted to make sure that it and the ancient woodland could be experienced by all.

Children and adults of all abilities can now take part in a whole range of activities along our new wheelchair-accessible path.  Along the trail visitors can spot our beautiful carvings of native woodland animals in their natural setting or just sit on a giant toadstool or one of our other benches and take in the smells and sounds of the woodland. 

In the spring the most amazing bluebell displays can be seen from the new path, which also passes many different types of tree and brings visitors to a large raised pond with wheel chair bays and a raised site for exploring minibeasts.  The pond, which has been allowed to colonise naturally, now hosts a diverse array of fascinating creatures including newts, beetles and dragonfly nymphs which visitors can take back to the centre and see them in wonderful detail under our video-microscope.

Across from the centre we have an outdoor classroom suitable for an exciting range of forest school activities; where people learn to use simple tools, light a fire, carve a marshmallow stick or make a character for a story!

Back in the centre we have height adjustable tables for picnicking at, making crafts or for sorting through trays of minibeasts in the dry!  Comfort breaks can be taken in our Changing Places toilet with hospital grade facilities including a hoist, adult sized changing table and shower.

Funding for SEND groups

Spring is an exciting time to be out in the woods as the buds break open and bird song returns. We are offering free visits for SEND schools and youth groups, so why not book a session for March 2019 and come and see for yourself?

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