Walking near livestock

Belted galloway and calf calf

© Surrey Wildlife Trust

Walking near livestock

Approaching cattle

Conservation grazing is a management tool used on many of our sites in conjunction with other management techniques. Please look out for and take note of signs on our reserves regarding livestock.

Guidance for walking near livestock

If you need to walk through cattle:

  • Do not attempt to move them out of the way.
  • If you choose to walk through the cattle then let them know you are there by talking to them gently.
  • Proceed when they have seen you, stay within their sight.
  • They may get up; give them a chance to move out of the way and move through the group calmly. 
  • Please do not feed the cattle.

If you feel threatened by cattle:

  • Do not panic and run away, they are probably being inquisitive and will run to keep up with you. If you stop they should keep a safe distance from you.
  • Raise your voice, but do not shout, raise your arms to make yourself look bigger, but do not wave them about. 
  • Do not use a stick to scare or hit them.
  • Walk briskly away, keeping an eye on the cattle and your footing.

If you have a dog

  • Never allow your dog to chase / frighten livestock or wildlife.
  • Keep your dog close to you, in sight and/or on a lead when visiting an area with livestock.
  • Avoid walking amongst cattle wherever possible.
  • If cattle chase you and your dog, it is safer to let go of your dogs lead. A dog free from its lead is likely to be able to escape cattle.
Walking with dogs

© Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Cattle emergencies

IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY or if you are concerned about any of our animals, please contact the grazing team 24hr emergency number on 07817 769 672